Please note that we are only able to deliver to PO Boxes via expedited shipping, NOT express shipping. Please make sure to enter a physical address to avoid any issues with your shipment.
Customs taxes vary by country and will be charged according to the local customs policies. If you were required to pay a customs fee, please contact our Customer Care Team for further assistance.
You could choose our Expedited / Express Shipping + Shipping Protection delivery options at the checkout, and we will charge a flat fee as the Expedited Shipping Protection or as the Express Shipping Protection, which will offer premium protection for your valuable items in transit. If your package is lost or damaged, we will resend your package free of charge immediately.
If your shipping address is located in a rural community, you may have to pick up your package from your regional post office. For rural or remote regions, please allow an additional a few days for delivery. We appreciate your patience!
If your order has already been shipped, we will be unable to redirect it. Here are some alternate options:
Once the package has been delivered to your regional post office, you can contact the post office directly to request them to redirect it to an alternate address. Please note that this is done at the discretion of the postal office.
If you need further assistance, please contact our Customer Care Team - we're more than happy to help!
When placing an order, please review your personal information (i.e. shipping address, phone number, email) carefully to avoid any issues or delays getting your order. Thank you!
If you don't receive your package on time, please feel free to contact our Customer Care Team. As a friendly reminder, all shipping times listed in the chart above are calculated in business days and do not include weekends.